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Get Hired Within
90 Days

The network is made up of professionals with extensive experience in their fields, including investment banking, hedge funds, private equity, software development, data science, management consulting, and more. These members have a deep understanding of industry trends, best practices, and career pathways.

Comprehensive Career Assistance

Through mock interviews, feedback sessions, and insights into common interview questions, network members help candidates build confidence and improve their performance during interviews.

Interview Preparation & Feedback

Members can connect candidates with job openings in their companies or recommend them to key decision-makers in their networks, enhancing their chances of securing interviews. The network can offer professional references, providing candidates with credible endorsements from respected industry experts.

References & Referrals

Members of the network are dedicated to helping others succeed. They offer mentorship, guidance, and practical advice to job-seeking candidates, creating a supportive environment that fosters growth and learning. Some of our members have offered pro bono mentorship to students coming from low-income backgrounds.

Community & Partnership

The professionals in this network are associated with some of the most prestigious and influential companies in their industries, ranging from top investment banks to leading technology firms and prominent consulting organizations. This gives candidates a unique advantage when exploring career opportunities and building valuable relationships.

Access to Influential Companies

The network facilitates introductions to key contacts within companies, allowing candidates to gain a better understanding of company culture and expectations.

Company Introductions

Career Packages

Secure Competitive Job Offers Within 90 Days

Augment Jobs conducts the entire job search process on behalf of its clients including submitting resumes and drafting cover letters to  hundreds of applications and searching for open opportunities within and outside of the Augment Jobs network.

Automatic Job Interviews

Augment Jobs allows clients to build their own customized packages tailored to specific job search needs. Opportunities are recommended to clients based of their qualifications, preferences, and market conditions at the time of the search.

Personalized  Solution

Augment Jobs has a network of over 300 recruiters, full-time industry professionals, and employers on the staffing platform. When clients begin an engagement with Augment Jobs, their profiles are shared directly with the relevant staffing agencies to accelerate their searches and give access to private opportunities.

Extensive Network

Clients get an opportunity approve each job submission and track interviews on the platform. Augment Jobs also gives its clients the opportunity to pause or cancel the service if a job is landed outside of the platform. Every interview prep & networking session is tracked on the platform.

Quality Assurance

Augment Jobs offers customers 1-2 year financing plans and subscriptions to make the services more accessible to people of all financial backgrounds. Most of what clients pay is after employment is obtained.

Flexible Billing

Augment Jobs issues a 50% site credit if the client does not receive a qualified job offer in the allotted time of the guarantee. Client outcomes are a top priority at Augment Jobs.

Job Guarantee

What Sets Us Apart

Contact us

Augment Jobs is a comprehensive solution that handles job applications for you, securing interviews by submitting hundreds of applications on your behalf. It also provides access to professionals for interview preparation and company referrals to get you hired quickly.

Schedule a career consultation to speak directly with our recruiting team or fill out the form for us to connect with you.

Business Phone: 646-466-4564

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Augment Jobs

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